Hi, I'm Ayako Yokoe

Full Stack Developer

I enjoy creating applications, thinking of what apps people would need and how they would use them to make their lives better.


Here are some of my recent projects.
I’d appreciate it if you’d take a look at them.

Task Manager App: Book-List

The Book_List app, developed with TypeScript, thoroughly explores and maximizes the potential of React Hooks, with a focus on useContext and useReducer.

TECH STACK: React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS

Social Media App: Photo_Share

Photo_Share is a full-stack photo sharing social media app with React, Sanity, and Tailwind CSS. Users can upload photos, save their favorite photos, and comment on photos.

TECH STACK: React, Sanity.io, Tailwind CSS, Google OAuth

E-Commerce App: Kids-Clothes

E-Commerce Kids-Clothes is a MERN stack application, where admins can add, edit, and delete products based on CRUD operation, and clients can browse and purchase the products utilizing Stripe.

TECH STACK: React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Firebase, Styled-Components, MUI, Stripe

API Project: Collocation Dictionary

Collocation-Dictionary is a react web application utilizing fetching API to search collocations and their usage, along with practice and quiz features for personal learning.

TECH STACK: React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Styled-Components, MUI, React-quizlet-flashcard

Clone Project: Clone-Udemy

Clone-Udemy is a clone project that creates a Udemy landing page with React, worked with other group members utilizing GitHub, Slack, and Trello. We learned and handled merge conflicts and issues.

TECH STACK: React, Styled-Components, MUI, react-items-carousel


profile picture

I've always been passionate about learning and growing in tech. As a former English language teacher, I bring transferable skills to my tech careers. I've dedicated myself to leveraging my full-stack development skills to become a valuable member of a professional software development team.

Contact Me

I keep creating new projects
as I learn, and updating this portfolio.
Please come check often.
Thank you.