Here are some of my recent projects.
I’d appreciate it if you’d take a look at them.
The Book_List app, developed with TypeScript, thoroughly explores and maximizes the potential of React Hooks, with a focus on useContext and useReducer.
TECH STACK: React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS
Photo_Share is a full-stack photo sharing social media app with React, Sanity, and Tailwind CSS. Users can upload photos, save their favorite photos, and comment on photos.
TECH STACK: React,, Tailwind CSS, Google OAuth
E-Commerce Kids-Clothes is a MERN stack application, where admins can add, edit, and delete products based on CRUD operation, and clients can browse and purchase the products utilizing Stripe.
TECH STACK: React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Firebase, Styled-Components, MUI, Stripe
Collocation-Dictionary is a react web application utilizing fetching API to search collocations and their usage, along with practice and quiz features for personal learning.
TECH STACK: React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Styled-Components, MUI, React-quizlet-flashcard
Clone-Udemy is a clone project that creates a Udemy landing page with React, worked with other group members utilizing GitHub, Slack, and Trello. We learned and handled merge conflicts and issues.
TECH STACK: React, Styled-Components, MUI, react-items-carousel
I've always been passionate about learning and growing in tech. As a former English language teacher, I bring transferable skills to my tech careers. I've dedicated myself to leveraging my full-stack development skills to become a valuable member of a professional software development team.